lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Blue Coat

In the realm of my dreams,
I  found you.
You took me by the arm, and
in the middle of a shallow lake I was drowned
I gasped for breath once more.

Blue coat, endowed with beauty,
I saw you right there.

Fair haired creature,
in your soul I used to find peace and love.
Now I long to see you again wearing your blue coat.

Life had worn me out,
my bones needed a rest, thus
I went to your grave, left some flowers,
flowers for which in spring I had begged.

When the winter had set in, it seemed to last longer
than summer did.
Nonetheless, I was not afraid,
for I had seen your green eyes again.

My thoughts in turmoil,
I wish I was ready to watch the twightlight,
to embrace the sun and
to see your pale face once more.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Día uno, día siete.

Domingo de granizo,
deseo enterrar las nostalgias de mi corazón
en algún lugar perdido de este ameno paraíso

Domingo de lluvia,
regalo mis huellas a este día
simplemente  porque en él  tu sonrisa está perdida

Domingo de estrellas,
estertor que nace de ellas.
te extraño de noche, de día
y cuando su brillo es más intenso, siento oscuridad
oscuridad que en sus cuerpos palpita.

Domingo viajero,
oh cuántos domingos por mi vida han pasado!
esa que he perdido y que he encontrado,
esa que he añorado y olvidado
y que por momentos como
un pétalo en el viento se ha desflorado.